It's Time to Start Living
Like a Daughter of the King!

Get Your Women at War
Bible Study Book & Workbook Now...

Learn to Go To War according to 1 Timothy 1:18 (KJV)
"This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightiest war a good warfare;"

Bible Study e-course

Finally...a Bible Study that impacts His Daughters to live the life Jesus went to the cross to provide!

The "Women at War Book & Workbook"
are sold separately on Amazon. 
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enrolling in the E-package as well. Note that Amazon
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"This Is The Best Book On Prayer I've Ever Read!"

Arthelene Rippy
Christian Television Network

"Women at War
Changed my Life!"

"It was as if I had actually been asleep for the last 40 years of my faith walk and now I am wide awake. I knew this study may push the boundaries of my comfort zone, but this is after all the only way to grow in your spiritual walk. Everything about the way I think, talk, and act is different now that I have taken the 'Women at War' study. Terms such as: praying in agreement, prayer language, walking in Christ’s authority, covenants, being yoked, and warring for my promises are now everyday conversations with my family and friends. I have so much more joy and peace in my life. I live a life of dependence on Christ and I understand His Word."

- Melissa W.

From The Desk Of Sharon Restrepo,
Author & Founder...Women at War

Dear Ladies,

I am excited to welcome you here to learn more about the Women at War Bible Study.  The War I'm talking about is the war we live through daily whether we fight back or not. God's word teaches that our war is not against one another, but against spiritual enemies.

Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV) For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 

When you learn how to live and pray as His word teaches, everything changes! This incredible bible study is created to teach just that.  Become a Woman at War and learn how to pray powerfully & effectively, how to go to war for your promises and how to obtain breakthrough in any situation.

A lifestyle of VICTORY belongs to you as a Daughter of the King! It's time to start living like one. A lifestyle of victory doesn't mean you're free from problems, it means you walk through them differently. Discover more of what you'll learn as you scroll below.

There are TWO Options when Choosing the
Women at War Bible Study....

#1. The "Women at War Book & Workbook" are sold separately. Be sure to order BOTH, and consider enrolling in the E-package as well. Note that Amazon processes our physical book and workbook fulfilment - you will be redirected to Amazon to place your order.

#2. The "Women at War E-Package" Includes the following and is offered at $37 (the E-package offers the same contents as the Book Package above, except without our printed version of the physical book and workbook):

• Women at War Bible Study Book PDF download & Audio versions

• Women at War Workbook War Plan PDF download

• Women at War I & II Recorded Webinars Accessed Online in our Educational Platform*

*online access is valid for a one year.

You will be able to login and access all of the above, listen to the Audio of the Women at War Book as well as download it to any electronic device and also obtain access to the Recorded Women at War I and II training webinars that I personally teach.

I encourage you to take advantage of all the awesome training available to you. What God has taught me, directly from His word, has changed my life and I know it will do the same for you.

Please continue reading to discover what other Women at War trainees have shared about this Bible Study experience.


The "Women at War Book & Workbook" are sold separately.
Be sure to order BOTH, and consider enrolling in the E-package as well.
Note that Amazon processes our book and workbook fulfilment .
You will be redirected to Amazon to place your order. 

The "Women at War Book & Workbook" are sold separately.
Be sure to order BOTH, and consider enrolling in the E-package as well.
Note that Amazon processes our book and workbook fulfilment .
You will be redirected to Amazon to place your order. 

What's Inside The Women at War Bible Study?
You Will...


Learn to PRAY the way the Word of God teaches.

Learn why your prayers don't seem to be answered. Learn how to pursue His promises for your life and achieve breakthrough in any battle.


Learn the Difference Between Praying and Going to War.

Winning the battle has everything to do with this biblical principle. It's time to learn to live a lifestyle of victory.


Learn how to HEAR GOD... His voice, His Word, in dreams and through the Holy Spirit. In John 10:27, Jesus says, "My sheep hear My voice..." That means what it says. If you are not hearing His voice, then it is time to learn how. No intimate relationship is without communication and your Heavenly Father wants to speak with you daily.


Learn Acts of Faith that Bring Breakthrough.

God's Word teaches us all of the weapons of warfare we can access to achieve breakthrough and live victoriously. Learn to co-labor with Jesus and experience the difference answered prayers make in your life.


​Learn the Hindrances our Enemy Uses Against Us and How to Stop Them.

We learn in Gal. 3:13 that Jesus' finished work on the cross broke off the curses of death, sickness and poverty. Don't allow Him to have gone through all of that in vain. Receive it and walk in your authority in Christ.


​Learn to Walk in Your Authority in Christ.

Most Christians live like satan's doormat because they are afraid of the devil. The truth is that the devil is afraid of God's children; however, he knows when a believer has no idea that she possesses the very authority of Christ Jesus within her. He then takes advantage. It is time to put the enemy under your feet by learning to walk in your authority in Christ. You are a daughter of the King. It's time to understand what that really means.


Learn about Spiritual Warfare.

Our battles are not fought against men and women; they are fought against spirits. Learn where and how to battle. Learn to battle from faith rather than fear. Learn the tricks the enemy uses every single day and cancel his assignment against you and your family. Eph. 6:12 (NKJV) "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."


​Learn to Walk in the Gifts the Holy Spirit has for You According to 1 Corinthians 12.

If you are living life as a believer without the power of the Holy Spirit operating through you, you are possibly just plain bored! Get ready to ignite your relationship with Jesus the way He desires.


​​​Learn how to Grow with Jesus as a Family.

Women at War teaches women how to go to war with their husbands and even teach their children how to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus. There is no Junior Holy Spirit...your family has access to the same Jesus and Holy Spirit you do.


​Learn to Live Victoriously.

Ultimately, every chapter of Women at War will teach you what you should already know from God's just seems to explain in it a way that you can digest and apply today. The Workbook is essentially your War Plan for implementing all the Word teaches you for living a lifestyle of victory. It's not enough just to learn His Word...even the enemy knows what the Bible teaches. In order for our lives to change and improve, we must apply what we learn. That is the sole purpose of the Workbook War Plan.

With the E-package , you can access all of it online 24/7 to read, listen and learn.  You can print the pdf of the book and workbook, listen to the book on audio while driving and watch my webinars too.  The E-course can stand alone OR be used as an incredible compliment when also investing in the hard copies.  I believe the Lord has authored this entire Bible Study...He just happened to direct me to be the hands and feet of delivery and I enthusiastically said, "Yes."

Women at War is in no way teaching you that a lifestyle of victory means that you get to avoid going through tough situations. The Word teaches us that the rain falls on the just and the unjust (Matt. 5:45).

However, when we go through battles, we can go through them vastly different than others. Most of us, even believers, are facing battles without the Word of God rooted inside of us - but we may mistakenly think it is.

I can attest to the difference between walking through tragedy with the Word in my heart and without. I also encourage you NOT to continue life as a believer without this training!

We are in a war whether we want to be or not. If we know we are at war, why would we stay in the war without the equipping to fight victoriously? Stop living life the way it is, thinking it won't change until you get to Heaven. That's the enemy talking and he is a liar.

Instead, become a Woman at War Today...learn how to fight your battles to win, in Jesus' mighty name!

Exodus 15:3 (NKJV) "The Lord is a man of war; The Lord is His name."

The "Women at War Book & Workbook" are sold separately. Be sure to order BOTH, and consider enrolling in the E-package as well. Note that Amazon processes our physical book and workbook fulfilment.
You will be redirected to Amazon to place your order.

The "Women at War Book & Workbook" are sold separately. Be sure to order BOTH, and consider enrolling in the E-package as well. Note that Amazon processes our physical book and workbook fulfilment.
You will be redirected to Amazon to place your order.

Here's Exactly What You're Going to Get...

Women at War  Book

This amazing book features both Women at War I and Women at War II Bible Studies. It is THE training that teaches women how to walk in their authority in Christ as Daughters of the King. Learn how to pray more effectively, how to hear God yourself, how to walk more deeply with Jesus and in the gifts He has given you and in a lifestyle of victory where all of His promises are yes, and in Him, Amen! It's time to become a Woman at War!

Be sure to purchase the accompanying Women at War Workbook offered at a separate Amazon link.

Women at War Workbook 

The Workbook compliments the Bible Study training course perfectly as it is the War Plan that equips you in taking what you learn in the Bible Study and making it a lifestyle. The addition of the Workbook War Plan is a game-changer! It's not enough just to learn how to walk with must apply what you learn. The War Plan helps you do just that.

The E-Package Includes Online Access to
Women at War's Online Training Platform

The E-package gives purchasers 24/7 online access to the Women at War online training platform for a full year, which includes a PDF of both the Women at War Book and Women at War Workbook, which may be read online or downloaded on any device, as well as Audio of the book to listen to here or on your own device. ALSO included are powerful recorded training webinars further explaining the depth of each topic. 

The E-package may be purchased separately from the hard copies or purchased separately as a great compliment to the Women at War Book and Workbook hard copies.

Grab the Women at War breakthough prayer journal too!

The Breakthrough Prayer Journal is unique because it is created to help guide you on your journey to Breakthrough. The Breakthrough Prayer Journal is unlike any typical store-bought journal. It provides a blank Table of Contents so you can fill it in yourself, including page numbers to locate specific entries as you journal revelation, important events, dreams, prophetic words and other significant entries. It provides a location to enter the start and end dates of your journal entries and includes Words of Encouragement to help you stay focused on victory, use His weapons of warfare, and of course, keep your eyes on Jesus!

As someone who has journaled for years, I wanted a journal I could easily refer back to when trying to locate a specific timeframe, event, dream or prophetic word I had entered. I had to go through piles of journals and search for highlighted sections. I wished I had an easier way to find what I was seeking. All of those missing features are no longer missing and you can benefit too.

For believers, daily journaling is imperative. The Breakthrough Prayer Journal is created to help you take a 7-week journey toward Breakthrough.

See What Your Sisters in Christ Have Shared About Being a Woman at War...

Ren's Testimony...

"Women at War was not what I expected. It was better than what I expected. So much of what I learned I had never known before. I learned about things I read in the Bible but hadn't understood. Sharon taught about warring for the promises of God. I had no idea we could do this. She taught about God's love, faithfulness, and provision. I realized I had not opened myself up to accept all of those wonderful things from God."

Christa's Testimony...

"I thought it was a system of prayer that did not necessarily apply to me. During Women at War, I learned how to war for the promises God lays on my heart, I have learned many things. God hears the cries of His children. Praying scriptures allows me to know God in a more intimate way and tune out the lies of the enemy. My mind has been renewed and my faith has grown."

Billie Caren's Testimony...

“Women at War has changed my life. It has led me to understand what has been right before my eyes my whole life. I have a deeper, richer relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ! I now know how to war for God’s promises, pray scripture, and live a life of victory. The world around us is full of evil. I learned to combat the enemy with The Word of God. I began to let God fight my battles. I began to hear God speak to me. He is the Shepard and the sheep know their Shepard’s Voice! I learned practical ways to fight with scripture. I learned everyday strategies to live victoriously."

Michelle's Testimony...

"I do not have enough words to express how blessed I am to be a part of Women at War! Being a part of these amazing trainings, zooms, FB group of sisters in Christ, and access to Sharon is answered prayer. I was going through a really rough time in my life, surviving what statistics say I should not have survived more than once. During this time, a friend I'd lost touch with over 20 years ago and I reconnected, and she told me about this ministry. Thanks to the Women at War Bible Study, I now know my authority in Christ, how to pray effectively, that God will never leave me nor forsake me and how much HE loves me and you. Sharon’s bible-based trainings taught me who God really is, what HE wants for his daughters and how to hear him personally. What an amazing life I live now, inviting the Holy Spirit in daily as my helper. I recognize and thank God for everything in my life including each breath I take. Being taught how to bind, loose, decree and declare for my promised victory is a game changer - everything in this training is backed by scripture. The Bible does say you will have trials, but the trials in my life today are not stressful because I learned to give it to Jesus to guide me.

I no longer worry and suffer with depression or anxiety (a label given me, taking medicine since a very young adult). I have learned how to co-labor with God and go to war. I have freedom in Christ & I cannot wait to go through the Bible Study all over again. Thank you so much Sharon for being a wonderful person, teacher of God's word and sharing your story.
You and Women at War are truly a blessing to many!"

Mai-Lin's Testimony...

"I reluctantly participated in Women at War. I had just finished leading my own small group and needed a break, but my good friend Kristie said it was going to bless me and I trusted her. Let me tell you, I was blown away. I could see the anointing Sharon was given for these lessons. Her use of the Word, testimonies and examples pulls it all together in a relatable way. She provides the tools and you roll up your sleeves and do the hard work."

Stephanie's Testimony...

"I had never thought about many of these things before, nor was it ever taught to me before taking this study. I applied these lessons, asked my Heavenly Father and received my covenant sign, which are two butterflies. It is such a wonderful new integral part of my relationship with God and I truly encourage you to seek God for your personal covenant sign. Just like there is the rainbow covenant sign to remind us that the Lord will not destroy the earth by flood, it is amazing to have a particular covenant sign between you and your Heavenly Father."

Mary's Testimony...

"Whether you have been walking with the Lord for a few months or walking with Him for years, Women at War will bless you. After learning what it means to be a Woman at War, my life is changed! I never knew the significance of praying God’s Word and declaring His promises over my life. Where there was doubt planted in me, now there is certainty. Where there was insecurity, I am now filled with confidence."

I Want to Share My Testimony With You Too...

Sharon starts at the 58:07 time mark.

Hi Friend,

If you're still perusing my site, then I invite you to listen to my video here. I had the honor of sharing a powerful prophetic word at Gathering Church's Carolina Fire event and was led to share my testimony as well.

I begin at time mark 58:07.  I pray it blesses you!

In short, Jesus literally saved my life and here's a bit of my story...I met the man I would marry at the young age of 16. We fell madly in love and within a few years, we married. 

By the time I was 25 years old, he was killed in a tragic accident.

Having grown up with a Christian mother, I knew the Lord but at this time, was no longer in close relationship with Him.

This turned out to be the time I would need Him most, but instead I became angry with God and the trauma of my husband's loss opened the door to the enemy. I was consumed with thoughts of taking my own life and seemingly overnight, I went from a healthy young lady to one with multiple health issues.
Jesus met me in this place and I encountered His radical love. The moment I yielded my life to Him, He began to walk me through healing and deliverance. He taught me how to war in prayer, and believe and achieve breakthrough for the promises in His Word over my life.

He taught me how to walk in my authority in Christ as a Daughter of the King. That was over 25 years ago and in 2019, He said, 'Sharon, teach my daughters to be Women at War.' Enough said! Watch my testimonial video if you like."

The "Women at War Book & Workbook" are sold separately. Be sure to order BOTH, and consider enrolling in the E-package as well.
Note that Amazon processes our physical book and workbook fulfilment - you will be redirected to Amazon to place your order.

The "Women at War Book & Workbook" are sold separately. Be sure to order BOTH, and consider enrolling in the E-package as well.
Note that Amazon processes our physical book and workbook fulfilment - you will be redirected to Amazon to place your order.

You Are Invited to Join our Private
Women at War Facebook Group...

Join a Community of Women Just Like You!

Your sisters in Christ are waiting to meet you! In our private FB group, we encourage one another, share prayer requests, share victories and celebrate what the Lord is doing in our lives.

We post Event opportunities where you can learn more about walking in your destiny and pursuing your purpose on earth.

In Units, you can download powerful prayers to go to war with for breakthrough in your own life and access powerful tools and lessons available to help you succeed in life.

Our Women at War FB group is a community of Women who desire a deeper relationship with Jesus and a share commitment to walking in their authority in Christ.

Read What MORE OF Your Sisters in Christ Have Shared About Being a Woman at War...

Karen's Testimony...

"I recently finished Woman at War and I cannot tell you the difference it has made in my life. With the help of Sharon’s teachings, I put together my warring Scriptures and a prayer to God to fight for my freedom.. I never expected the marvelous results that God would give me! He has filled me with such excitement and joy! God has also revealed to me practical steps I can take in the natural to help bring my freedom. I am so grateful to Women at War!"

Mimi's Testimony...

"I am here today because my mom studied Women at War. She prayed for me for so long, but there was finally breakthrough once she started Women at War. I was not a believer. I was suicidal, depressed, and felt completely worthless. I finally felt seen. I was radically saved in one night. I’m now studying Women at War myself and warring for my husband’s salvation. This is truly an anointed work."

Nirggy's Testimony...

"Through Women at War, my life is forever changed. My way of thinking is different. I have more confidence in knowing who I am in Christ. I often think, 'How did I not know all of this information before?' But here I am now, so grateful and full of joy to know how much God loves me that He purposely put her in my life for all of these amazing teachings so I can walk the path He has destined for me since before I was born."

Sarah's Testimony...

"I have been reflecting on the transformation God has made in my heart.
I always knew God, but I was raised Catholic and well to be honest, for me, it’s not the same as being a follower of Jesus - a daughter of the King! Looking back, and I was so sinful. I made so many mistakes. I looked for love in all the wrong places. I sought comfort in having fun on the weekends with the things of this earth. During my walk with the Lord, especially the past 4-6 years, I have been filled with the Holy Spirit and my life has been transformed. I really began to dig deep in a dark time in my life. I was getting divorced just after having a baby and all I knew to do was just to run to Jesus.
I was led to Women at War by my mother and after some time and seeing her life transformation, I knew I needed to see what it was all about.
Women At War helped me let go of things that were holding me back. It helped me learn that my identity is found in Christ. I was introduced to so many wonderful ladies and was then led to be prayed over and I was delivered from things that were bogging me down and not giving me true freedom in Christ. (Yes, you can know Jesus and still need deliverance.) I continue to press in on my faith and just seek Him daily. He continues to show up like He promises He will. My transformation is like night and day. My heart bursts for joy and love over our loving father. The fruit of His Spirit pour out over and over like a river. His love endures forever! I am just in such awe of how much He loves us. I am so in love with Jesus, and I give Him so much praise for His goodness in my life.
I thank Him for transforming my heart and continuing to work in me to be the best version of myself.  THANK YOU JESUS, YOU SET ME FREE! CHRIST MY SAVIOR HAS RESCUED ME!

Victoria's Testimony...

"I highly recommend Women at War to any woman who wants to grow closer to the Lord. I could never have imagined the impact this course would make on my life. I am forever changed! I am so happy that I have taken Women at War. I repeated it because there is so much information that it is not possible to learn everything the first time! Say yes to Women at War and you will not be disappointed!"

Mary Phil's Testimony...

"Because of what I learned in Women at War, our family is forever changed for generations to come. We are no longer sitting ducks for the enemy who comes to steal, kill, and destroy; we are a warrior family standing firm on His promises. Hallelujah! I learned the power of praying in agreement with my husband and the results have been miraculous."

Mary's Testimony...

"I want to thank Sharon for listening to God’s calling to teach Women at War. I have learned how to pray without ceasing and enjoy the battle. I now know who I am, the authority I have in Christ Jesus and how to correctly represent Him in my daily walk. I discovered how to break generational curses that I had no idea could be passed on from our ancestors to our children and their children. As soon as I broke those curses, I began to see the rewards."

About the Author...

Sharon Restrepo

Sharon Restrepo is a top-selling Author, National Speaker and Educator. Her background consists of all things real estate. She is a broker and along with her husband, the two own a South Florida brokerage catering to real estate investors.

Sharon is a Kingdom-minded businesswomen who desires to share what the Lord has taught her about business and success inside the books, training and courses she authors. In addition to her many real estate books and courses, she has also authored and published books in the faith genre.

Finding Mr. Right NOW

Finding Mr. Right Now is Sharon's first published faith-based book. This is the book all single women must read. In this book, Sharon shares her life-story, including what she went through when she lost her first husband to a tragic accident. In this book, she shares the journey the Lord took her on to find the Mr. Right He had chosen for her and how the Lord has chosen every daughter's Mr. Right. In this book, women learn to determine the difference between Mr. Right and Mr. Right Now. This book is available at

The Power of Proverbs

The Power of Proverbs is a 31-day daily Bible study taking believers through the book of Proverbs. In these daily short but powerful chapters, readers are asked Power Questions and given Power Exercises as homework, in order to implement the powerful life God has for them.

Pick up your copy at

Sharon has been featured on Christian Television Network's Arthelene Rippy's HomeKeepers Show...

Sharon has Also been featured on...

I encourage you to seek the Lord and allow Him to lead you in choosing a one-time seed or setting up a reoccurring monthly seed. NOTE that we are NOT a non-profit ministry, movement, or organization and although we will provide a receipt, your gift to Women at War is NOT tax-deductible. We believe the Lord has not called us to register as a 501(c)(3).

We appreciate every seed, regardless of the amount, and pray God returns a 100-fold blessing into your life. Thank you! Sharon Restrepo, Founder

Thank you!

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Sharon Restrepo is a genuine educator and encourager who loves to share her life's experiences, knowledge and faith in everything she does. Her motivational story of overcoming suicide after suddenly being widowed 25+ years ago plays a pivotal role in her life. Sharon shares from a place of transparency, humor and vulnerability, in a way that all audiences relate, learn and experience personal and business growth as a result.

Statement of Faith: "We believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God who came to earth through virgin birth, sinless in life, purposed to die on the cross for our sins, making a way of forgiveness and giving those who receive Him as their Savior the promise of eternal life with Him in heaven."

Copyright © 2025 | All Rights Reserved

Restrepo Enterprises, Inc. dba Women At War
PO Box 1494, Rockwell, NC 28138